The Canadian North is in the grips of a climate crisis. From eroding shorelines and rising ocean levels, to floods and fires, the NWT is unmistakably on the front lines of climate change. It is not possible to quantify the financial and cultural costs of a changing climate. Shifting caribou migration patterns, fluctuating water levels, wildfires, and thawing permafrost, disrupt northern lifestyles in various ways.
I support climate action that directly addresses our rising cost of living while also reducing our territorial greenhouse gas emissions.
1. In collaboration with private industry and Indigenous Governments, prioritize community investments in infrastructure and transportation that will lower the cost of living and reduce greenhouse gas emissions:
- Investment in renewable energy generation (wind/solar) and distribution (district heating).
- Expand Arctic Energy Alliance programming to support energy efficient building design, training, and construction.
- In partnership with the City of Yellowknife, provide free access to the city bus network.